Texte schreiben ∙ Englisch Wortschatz / Satzbausteine Beispieltexte aus „nature is fun“ und „nice and nasty people“ FinkenProfi Smart text trainer von Hans-Eberhard Piepho A clever way to text production and word power Der „FinkenProfi Smart text trainer“ ist ein wirkungsvolles Hilfsmittel beim Entwerfen, Verfassen und Überarbeiten von englischen Texten. Zu 18 Themen aus ihrem direkten Lebensumfeld finden die Kinder Wortschatzsammlungen und Satzbausteine, die miteinander kombiniert werden können und sehr schnell zu einem ganz persönlichen Schreibergebnis führen. Durch diese Strukturhilfen gewinnen die Kinder Freude an eigenen Textproduktionen und entwickeln dabei zunehmende Sprech- und Schreibsicherheit. Zu den Themen werden zusätzlich Beispieltexte angeboten, die gängige Textschemata und Textverknüpfungsmittel verdeutlichen. So bereitet der „FinkenProfi Smart text trainer“ die Kinder auf motivierende Weise auch auf komplexere Textproduktionen vor. Themen • about me • pets • wild animals and zoo animals • money • hobbies and pastimes • trips • sports • home • friends • my own reports, stories and little essays • dreams – nightmares – horror – fantasy • books • clothes • a good time • rolling – running – moving • snacks and food • nature is fun • nice and nasty people 17 nature is fun Nature is amazing. Trees give us oxygen. Flowers look and smell good. The landscape in the Alps is wonderful. Today there are a lot of problems with the environment. People cut trees, destroy rivers and lakes and kill animals. Some animals become extinct. I am a real nature fan. I love spending time outdoors. We often go on bike trips or hikes in the country. We always enjoy nature: trees, flowers, plants and wild animals. In spring we go bird watching early in the morning. My mum knows a lot about birds. I like animals and love to watch them: rabbits, hares, squirrels, birds, weasels, snakes, snails and lizards. I read books and watch TV programmes about animals. I collect animal pictures. I also enjoy learning about trees and plants. Some trees are hundreds of years old. My biology teacher tells us all about trees, flowers, plants and mushrooms. I know where to find them in the woods. I do not like gardening. My grandpa does all the gardening at home. Our garden looks great in summer. We have an apple tree. Every September we collect the apples and my mother makes an apple pie. From my desk I can watch the birds in our garden: blackbirds, robins, two beautiful jays. Sometimes a woodpecker comes and hammers on the big oak tree. In spring most birds sing early in the morning. 17 nature is fun nice and nasty people 18 18 nice and nasty people Our neighbour is a grumpy old man. When we play in the garden he shouts at us: “Too much noise!” When I play my CDs he phones my parents. He is also very nasty to his dog. His dog is very friendly, but he always shouts at it. Perhaps our neighbour is ill. My English teacher is very friendly and helpful. She never shouts and she smiles at us most of the time. She has a lovely voice, too. She speaks English very well. But my maths teacher is not very nice. He is a nightmare. Most of my friends are nice. Only Mark can be nasty sometimes. He shows off and teases the girls. He calls them names and pulls their hair. When there are no girls around, he is a friendly guy. Sometimes people can be nice. Sometimes people can be nasty. My sister is nice, but before her exams she is always nasty. The other day I got lost in a German town. I am from Budweis and do not speak German. The weather was horrible. I saw a boy on his bike and I shouted: “Do you speak English? I’ve lost my way.” He was very kind and spoke good English. “What are you looking for?” he asked. “The tennis court.” Then I saw a tennis racket in his bag. “That’s where I am going.” So we went together on his bike. He was very sweet and helpful. I forgot to ask him for his name and address. Sorry. When his mother came home with her new baby, she said to her son: “Look, the stork has brought you a little brother.” But her son said: “I don’t want a little brother, I want a big brother.” That was not nice, it was nasty. bushes / trees / garden / park / forest / wood / field / flowers / animals / birds landscape / river / pond / mountains / lake / puddle / plants I am I watch I grow my own I I fond of … interested in … beetles birds deers herbs flowers strawberries carrots lettuces beans want to find out (all) about … know a lot about … collect photos of … pictures of … mushrooms dried plants flowers nature is fun 17 I there is a I enjoy breeze walk lie in the sun climb mountains go on gentle light cool The sun shines brightly. Nature is wonderful. I love the mountains. I often go on bike tours / trips with my … and we enjoy nature: trees, bushes, flowers, plants, beetles, birds. In the summer we often go to … and hike in the mountains. We look at eagles and hawks. We look at rare plants. Last year we saw a lot of … and … That was great. the colours the smells the sights the landscape the fresh air the plants the butterflies the glowworms bike rides hiking trips FinkenProfi · Smart text trainer 2513 | 19,50 € Klappbuch mit Register finken.de/2513 127